Episode: 2 Personal Training and Lockdown Fitness with Ridge Gunessee

This week Michelle speaks to Ridge Gunessee. Ridge is a self-employed level 3 personal trainer for his brand Wolfbodyworks fitness. He has previously worked for the company Pure Gym and was one of the leading personal trainers at the Bermondsey Biscuit Factory branch in London.

This week Michelle speaks to Ridge Gunessee. Ridge is a self-employed level 3 personal trainer for his brand Ridge Gunessee fitness. He has previously worked for the company Pure Gym and was one of the leading personal trainers at the Bermondsey Biscuit Factory branch in London. He is currently in the process of studying a nutrition course as an extra supplement available for his clients. In this episode, we speak about fitness and how to stay active during the lockdown periods. Ridge emphasizes the importance of drinking water every day and gives us his top 5 tips for staying on top of our game during the lockdown. Ridge owns a wonderful tabby cat called Fifi, she has the sassiest and sweetest personality ever. Ridge has recently built a home gym in his garden during the recent Covid19 lockdown and Fifi often joins him by laying on the gym mats while he trains. Ridge is also one of our very first cat sitters at Chatty Cats Care and has helped care for many of our client's cats. Ridge is amazing with cats and we always receive good feedback and praise for the level of care given when cat sitting.

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Here are some highlights from this episode

[4:40] Common questions that clients ask personal trainers. Ridge talks about the importance of nutrition overlooking physically fit

[6:30] How do you find the motivation to work out? Ridge gives some tips about how you can find your mojo.

[9:00] Ridge gives us some top tips about working out at home during the lockdown

[12:00] Virtual personal training sessions now that gyms have closed

[15:00] The importance of accountability

[15:35] Top 5 fitness tips

[19:30] Ridge talks to us about his sweet little tabby cat Fifi

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Links from the show

Find Ridge and his fitness website here

Instagam: @rgpersonaltraining

Linkedin: Ridge Gunessee
